14+ of the BEST Valentine’s Day Crafts

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Can you believe that Valentine's Day is next month? I can’t, but I am so ready for some fancy chocolates and any excuse to get crafty! In the meantime, let’s round up this past week’s Creative Crafts Valentine's Day Edition with Laura from Me and My Inklings,  and Lindsay from Artsy-Fartsy Mama because it has been SO MUCH FUN! I have gathered up 14+ of the BEST Valentine's Day Crafts from this week (and beyond) to share with you today, all in one place. Make sure you scroll to the end for a FABULOUS SURPRISE!

The Best Valentine's Day Crafts Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #valentinesdaycrafts #roundup #teamcreativecrafts

Sharing the BEST Valentine's Day Crafts

This post, 14+ of the BEST Valentine's Day Crafts, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Each day of the Creative Crafts Valentine's Day Edition can be found on my blog, but I thought it would be easier to bring everything together in one round-up style post. Amazing tutorials from talented designer friends sharing their hugs, kisses, and crafty project inspiration. It was like tasting a different piece of chocolate from the heart-shaped box each day and seeing what all of my craftiest friends created to celebrate Valentine's Day. So, here they are…

The BEST Valentine's Day Paper Crafts

  • Laura with Laura Kelly Designs is sharing a Mini Paper Valentine Garland that is perfect to hang anywhere in your home! (pictured above)
  • Heather with Homemade Heather created colorful Valentine Gift Tags with felt, fabric, and washi tape. So SWEET! (pictured above)
  • Kim with Crafting Cheerfully created sparkling DIY Valentine Treat Bags with some glitter and glitz! (pictured above)
  • Elise with Polka Dotted Blue Jay makes the easiest projects with her cutting machine, including a DIY Love Gift Bag complete with the cutting files! (pictured below)
  • Laura with Laura Kelly Designs created DIY Magnetic Poetry for Valentine's Day with a FREE Printable. Super easy with Xyron Creative Station (pictured below)

The BEST Valentine's Day Kids Crafts

  • I am sharing Kawaii Inspired Valentine's Cards to print and color, perfect for crafting with the kiddos. (pictured above)
  • Lindsay the Artsy Fartsy Mama is so talented with clay and created a Valentine Cupcake Charm complete with the sweetest face! (pictured above)
  • Kim with Crafting Cheerfully is sharing DIY Love Bugs made from heart-shaped paper mache boxes from the craft store! (pictured below)
  • Laura with Laura Kelly Designs is sharing ways to create Valentine Service Projects with the kiddos. Teach kindness early! (pictured above)

The BEST Valentine's Day Party Crafts

The BEST Valentine's Day DIY Crafts

All in One Place, 14+ of the BEST Valentine's Day Crafts!

Shop Tombow

Thanks for joining us for 14+ of the BEST Valentine's Day Crafts. Stay tuned for the next edition of Creative Crafts to see what Laura, Lindsay, and I have up our crafty sleeves. I know I can’t wait!

The Best Valentine's Day Crafts Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #valentinesdaycrafts #roundup #teamcreativecrafts

Enjoy the BEST Valentine's Day Crafts and create something wonderful and unexpected soon! If you do, tag me on social media @CreativelyBeth as I would LOVE to see what you have made! Even MORE projects can be found in my round-up of the 40+ Last-Minute Valentine's Day Crafts and FREE Printables.

40+ Last Minute Valentine Crafts, Ideas and Free Printable Files Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #valentinecrafts #lastminutevalentine #freeprintable
WWYF 728x90

Thanks for stopping by!

53 thoughts on “14+ of the BEST Valentine’s Day Crafts”

  1. To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we may do several things. We can make and exchange cards, do crafts, make and enjoy a sweet treat, and have a simple but special meal at home.

  2. I am excited to see crafts for valentine’s day! I am not quite out of Christmas mode, but ready to start thinking of valentine’s day, these crafts are inspiring and motivating!

    Thank you!
    Irene Thirlwall

  3. I usually make gift bags for my niece and nephew and my husband and I order dinner at home and watch a movie. I don’t like going out and dealing with the crowds and pre-fixe menu’s on holiday’s.

  4. I don’t celebrate valentine’s day at the moment, I don’t have a valentine. But you never know, I might have one by then.

  5. Lots of great ideas!
    We usually go out for a nice lunch or dinner, but this year we are on a lockdown and our restaurants are open for take out only. Maybe we will do that! I usually make a few Valentine cards, one to give to my hubby and a few to send out to some friends.

  6. I send my nieces and nephews packages with all kinds of Valentine’s stuff – pens, note pads, candy, puzzles, etc.

  7. Thank you for the giveaway. I usually make a nice dinner for my family, but this year will be a little different since we are transitioning from relocating to another state. My husband works out of state right now. He will be visiting during Valentine’s day this year and will arrive late that night. I plan to do something nice for him the next evening since it will be his birthday!

  8. For Valentine’s day we will exchange gifts, and I’ll probably make a red themed dinner for my husband and daughter.

  9. Usually I’ll make a special dinner for my family and I. Usually I make heart shaped mini meat loaf and a special desert.

  10. My boyfriend and I typically go out for a nice steak dinner somewhere in Milwaukee, where we live, and we visit the Mitchel Park Domes to see all the flowers. It is a very nice date night out together.


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