Sew Easy Outdoor Cushions with Poly-Fil® NuFoam™

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Looking to replace the cushion covers on your outdoor patio furniture?  You’ve come to the right place! I'm going to show you step-by-step how easy it is to make new cushions to replace those faded and worn ones with this Sew Easy Outdoor Cushions tutorial. I am using Poly-Fil® NuFoam from Fairfield World which is weather and moisture resistant. This post is sponsored by Fairfield World but the ideas and opinions are my own.

Sew easy outdoor cushions with NuFoam from Fairfield World Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

Easy Cushions, a Beginner Sewing Project

We recently pressure washed and oiled this pair of teak rocking chairs on the front porch and guess what? We started using them more in the mornings and evenings when the weather isn't so hot. They are wide and deep but not very comfortable, so I decided it was time to learn how to sew some easy cushions. How hard could it be?

Sew easy outdoor cushions with NuFoam from Fairfield World Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

This post, Sew Easy Outdoor Cushions with Poly-Fil® NuFoam™, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you need to sew Outdoor Cushions:

Sew easy outdoor cushions with NuFoam from Fairfield World Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

Here's how to sew an Easy Pair of Patio Cushions:


To begin our Sew Easy Outdoor Cushions project begins with selecting the proper fabric. Outdoor canvas is the best type of fabric to select when creating cushions for patio furniture, especially in rainy, hot, and humid Florida. The heavier canvas is also easier for beginners. I found this coastal-inspired outdoor canvas at my local Joann and used a coupon for a 50% discount for two yards of 54″ wide fabric. I would recommend a solid or random patterned fabric rather than a stripe or pattern (like a plaid) that needs to be lined up.

Supplies needed to sew outdoor cushions for patio chairs Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions


Measure the width and depth of the seat of the chair and then transfer those dimensions to the NuFoam with a permanent marker. Carefully trim the cushions to size with an electric knife. My cushions are 20″ wide by 19″ deep.

Cut NuFoam cushions from Fairfield World with an electric knife Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions


Next, lay out the fabric on a large work surface. I always use my kitchen island for big projects like this. I am a visual person, so I draw a rough pattern on paper adding the measurements before I cut the fabric. Add three inches to all the dimensions of the cushion (26″ wide by 25″ long) and then double it (26″ wide by 50″ long) for total fabric measurements.

Quick pattern sketch with measurements for the sew easy outdoor cushion Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

The fabric is 2 yards (72″ long) by 54″ wide, so measure, mark, and cut the length to 50″ long. Then measure, mark, and cut the fabric to 26″ wide creating two pieces of fabric that are 26″ wide by 50″ long.

Measure, mark and cut fabric Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions


Next, with right sides together (back of the fabric facing out), fold the length of the fabric in half. Measure, mark, and pin the side seam on both sides leaving a one and one-half inch (1 1/2″) seam allowance. The folded edge becomes the front edge of the finished cushion. The NuFoam Cushion is 4″ thick but compresses, so I allow for a 3″ thick finished cover.

Measure, mark and pin the sketched pattern onto the fabric Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions


Starting at the folded edge, sew straight from the folded edge to the open edge on both sides. Remove pins and trim threads.

Sew both side seems of the outdoor cushion on the sewing machine Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

Place the fabric cover back on the cushion (still inside out) and put a pin (perpendicularly to the seams) on each front corner like the photo below, where the corner of the cushion beneath the fabric stops. Remove the cushion from the cover.

Measure, mark and pin the corner box pleat for the sew easy cushion Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

It seems contradictory, but sew along these lines to create the box pleated corners. My seam was approximately 1″ in from the point and 2″ long. Here is what the box corner seam looks like after sewing and turning the cover right-side out. Just look at that beautiful corner!

Box pleated corner of the sew easy outdoor cushion Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

Leaving the fabric cover inside out, measure, mark, and pin the back seam with a 1 1/2″ seam allowance from the edge of the fabric. Measure in 6″ on each side, mark with a circle, and place a red-headed pin. This always reminds me to stop sewing and leaves a 13″ opening to stuff the cushion. Sew the back seam of the cushion, remembering to backstitch at the opening. Remove the pins and trim the threads.

Measure, mark and pin the back seem on the fabric Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

To create the second set of box pleat corners, fold the corners into a point then measure, mark, and pin 1″ in from the point and 2″ long. These corners look different because we are pleating a seamed edge instead of a folded edge. Sew the corner pleats, remove the pins, and trim the threads.

Sew additional box pleats in the remaining two back corners of the outdoor cushion Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions


Turn the fabric cover right side out, making sure to push out those beautiful box pleated corners. Fold the NuFoam Cushion in half and carefully insert it inside the cover.

Turn fabric cover right side out, fold the NuFoam cushion in half and insert through the opening left in the back seam Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

To finish the Sew Easy Outdoor Cushions, carefully pin the openings and hand sew each one closed with small whip stitches using a needle and thread that matches the fabric (and a really bright light – LOL!)

Hand sew the opening closed with small whip stitches and matching thread Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

Rocking Chair Cushions, an Easy Sewing Project for Summer

I am a beginner to sewing projects like this but was thrilled that my Sew Easy Outdoor Cushions project was quick, taking just an afternoon from start to finish for both! I know that these chair cushions will bring lots of comfort for years to come!

Sew easy outdoor cushions with NuFoam from Fairfield World Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

Poly-Fil® NuFoam from Fairfield World

Poly-Fil® NuFoam is a safe alternative to conventional foam and is made from densified polyester batting. It is mildew resistant, and won't yellow or disintegrate. It's perfect for chair cushions, deck furniture, camping, futons, crib bumpers, playpen mats, recreational vehicle accessories, and more. Made from compressed layers of 100% polyester that range from 1″ to 4″ thick. I recommend using NuFoam that is 1” thicker than your intended cushion to allow for compression. It will be a snug fit inside the cover. It resists mildew and is non-allergenic.

Sew easy outdoor cushions with NuFoam from Fairfield World Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

Click to check out my How to Make a Wooden Crate Storage Stool Ottoman post with a step by step tutorial AND then click through to discover my No-Sew Bean Bags for Patio Games with Kids project for tons of outdoor fun! Ever wonder How to Refill a Bean Bag Chair? I have the full tutorial! All created with some of my favorite Fairfield World products!

Thanks for stopping by!

Sew easy outdoor cushions with NuFoam from Fairfield World Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #sewing #quickandeasy #sewpatiocushions

5 thoughts on “Sew Easy Outdoor Cushions with Poly-Fil® NuFoam™”

  1. Thanks so much for sharing with us at the To Grandma’s house we go link party! I’ll be featuring you this week on my blog, Facebook page, Pinterest and Instagram when the next party starts!


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