How to Tie Dye Coffee Filters with Tombow Dual Brush Pens

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Good morning y’all!  Today I am going to teach you how to Tie Dye Coffee Filters with Tombow Dual Brush Pens. Yes, you read that correctly! Tie Dye comes in all shapes and sizes and can be done with a bunch of different materials that you probably already have around your house! Sharing four ways to tie-dye with Dual Brush Pens. These projects are sure to keep you and the kiddos busy all summer! This is a variation of the Tombow USA Dual Brush Pen watercolor technique – I had fun experimenting and am excited to share these four techniques with you today!

Four Tie Dye Techniques Created with Dual Brush Pens

This post, How to Tie Dye Coffee Filters with Tombow Dual Brush Pens, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here’s what you need to Tie Dye Coffee Filters:

Here how to create Four Tie Dye Techniques with Dual Brush Pens:

Tie Dye Method One – Direct

Select three to five coordinating colors of Tombow Dual Brush Pens. Draw random zig-zag lines around the flattened coffee filter. Mix and match colors to teach kids about blending and the color wheel.

Tie Dye Swirl Technique with Markers Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Place the colored filter on a metal baking pan or plastic zippered bag and soak with the Mister from the Tombow Blending Kit. Watch the colors flow and blend. Allow the coffee filters to dry.

Add water to the cooffee filter to reveal the tie dye Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Once dry the tie-dye filters can be used as a fun, colorful bag filler for a gift or goodie bag!

Use Tie Dye Coffee Filters instead of tissue paper in a gift bag Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Tie Dye Method Two – Shibori

Shibori is a Japanese technique that involves folding to create the patterns and is traditionally done with a dark blue and white color scheme.

Fold the coffee filter in an accordion. Scribble Dual Brush Pen 555 on the Blending Palette, then spray with the Mister. Gently drag the folded edge of the filter through the ink. Unfold and let dry.

Shibori Tie Dye is a Japanese technique of folding Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Accordion fold in the opposite direction. Scribble Dual Brush Pen 555 on the Blending Palette, then spray with the Mister. Gently drag the folded edge of the filter through the ink. Unfold and allow to dry.

Add color to the folded coffee filter then mist with water Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Fold the coffee filter into a small square. Scribble Dual Brush Pen 555 on the Blending Palette, then spray with the Mister. Gently drag each of the four folded edges of the filter through the ink. Unfold and let dry.

Fold in different shapes to create different tie dye patterns Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

I love the uneven and random patterns that the Shibori dyeing technique creates!

Unfold to reveal the Shibori Tie Dye patterns Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Experiment and create a multi-colored Shibori, which makes a perfect gift box liner for a special present!

Use tie dye coffee filters to wrap a special gift Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Tie Dye Method Three – Indirect

Fold the coffee filter in half three times and select four colors of Dual Brush Pens. Scribble the center color on the Blending Palette, then spray with the Mister. Gently drag the point of the folded filter in the ink and let it absorb.

The bullseye tie dye technique uses circles of color Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Scribble the second color on Blending Palette, mist then fold back the filter. Gently drag the folded section of the filter in the ink and let it absorb.

Fold the coffee filter and add different circles of color Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Scribble the third color on Blending Palette, mist then fold back the filter. Gently drag the folded section of the filter in the ink and let it absorb.

Work from the center to the edge allowing the colors to blend Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Scribble the final color on Blending Palette, mist then gently drag the edge of the filter in the ink and let it absorb. Allow some white space between colors. Unfold and let dry.

Leave a bit of white space between colors to mimic the tie dye effect Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

I use complementary colors of Tombow Dual Brush Pens, which are colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. The blues and purples blend wonderfully. The white space provides an authentic tie-dye effect!

Tie Dye Bullseye technique Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Tie Dye Method Four – Transfer

Select at least four colors of Dual Brush Pens.  Apply each color in a circular pattern on the Blending Palette. Spray generously with the Mister from the Blending Kit.

Add circles of color to a plastic zippered bag Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Lay the flattened coffee filter into the ink on the Blending Palette and watch the magic! Don’t worry about the wrinkles, they just add to character of the tie dye coffee filters when dry!

Mist with water and place coffee filter into ink Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Lovely random blending and plenty of white space provides the full tie-dye effect!

Bullseye Tie Dye technique number four Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Use the dry tie dye coffee filters to wrap up small trinkets, toys, and candies. I love these bright and colorful packages tied up with rustic twine!

Use Tie Dye Coffee Filters to wrap small presents Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

I hope you have enjoyed my projects sharing four ways to tie dye coffee filters with Tombow Dual Brush Pens and you will use my quick and easy tutorials as a jumping-off point to experiment with tie dye and showcase YOUR Tombow creativity!

Four Ways to Tie Dye Coffee Filters with Tombow Dual Brush Pens Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Which type of tie dye is YOUR favorite? Mine is the folded Shibori technique using the dark blue ink.

I love learning new things and then giving them a twist with household supplies!

Four Ways to Tie Dye Coffee Filters with Tombow Dual Brush Pens Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teidye #techniques #tombow #tombowdualbrushpens #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Check out my @CreativelyBeth Instagram for a ton of quick and easy crafting projects that are perfect to keep the kiddos busy! Another super fun Tombow tutorial Tie-Dye for the Fourth of July with Dual Brush Pens OR DIY Tie-Dye Ideas for a Colorful Birthday Party also created with Tombow Dual Brush Pens OR quick and Easy Watercolor Marbled Paper made with, you guessed it, Tombow Dual Brush Pens!

Thanks for stopping by!

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