How to Tie Dye Paper with Markers for a July Fourth Banner

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Good morning y’all!  Today I am going to teach you How To Tie Dye Paper with Markers for the Fourth featuring my favorite Tombow Dual Brush Pens and create a fun banner. Yes, you read that correctly! Tie Dye comes in all shapes and sizes and can be done with a bunch of different materials that you probably already have around your house! This is a variation of the Tombow USA Dual Brush Pen Splash Technique – I had fun experimenting and am excited to share this technique today!

How to Tie Dye Paper with Markers  for the Fourth with Tombow Dual Brush Pens Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts

Create a Tie Dye Banner for the Fourth of July

Materials needed to create a tie-dye fourth of july banner Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts

This post, Tie Dye for the Fourth with Tombow Dual Brush Pens, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you need to make a Patriotic July Fourth Banner:

Here's how to create a Tie Dye Banner with Dual Brush Pens:


To begin the how to Tie Dye Paper with Markers tutorial, scribble Dual Brush Pens 535 and 856 on the Blending Palette in a swirl and squiggle pattern that resembles an exploding firework.

Apply red and blue dual brush pens to the blending palette Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts

Spray lightly with water using the Tombow Mister. This step might take some practice because too little water will leave a strange pattern, and too much water will wash out the colors.

Mist the blending palette with water from the Tombow Mister Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts

Place glossy inkjet photo paper shiny side down in the dual brush pen ink. Press and shift the paper slightly with the palm of your hand. 

Place glossy photo paper shiny side down into misted ink then lift Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts

Carefully lift photo paper up from the corner to reveal the MAGIC of the splash technique!  The water-based dual brush pen ink dries instantly in the emulsion side of the glossy photo paper and creates a beautiful and vivid watercolor effect. Repeat these steps twice to create three banners. Clean the Blending Palette in between prints with a baby wipe and/or paper towel.

Lift glossy photo paper out of ink to reveal the splash technique Place glossy photo paper shiny side down into misted ink then lift Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts


Measure and cut triangular sections from the bottom of three of the Tie-Dye for the Fourth glossy photo paper to create the banner shapes.

Trim a triangle from the bottom of the tie dyed paper to create banner shape Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts


Protect the work surface with a piece of paper, then spread an even coat of MONO Multi Liquid Glue over the chipboard letters. Sprinkle silver glitter onto the letters, set them aside to dry, and then use the piece of paper to return the extra glitter to its original container. The perfect way to use up oddly colored or mismatched chipboard letters.

Apply a layer of MONO Multi Liquid Glue to chipboard lettersthen add glitter Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts


Measure and cut three rectangles of blue cardstock the same size as the banner. Fringe one end with scissors and attach to banners with Xtreme Permanent Adhesive. Apply Tombow Foam Tape to the back of the glittered chipboard letters USA, and attach it to the front of each banner.

Attach the letters and the fringed paper to the tie dye banners Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts


To finish the How to Tie Dye Paper with Markers for a Fourth of July Banner, measure and cut a 20″ length of red ribbon and attach the banners with Xtreme Permanent Adhesive. Embellish with small sections of different ribbons and fibers tied between the banners. A great way to use up scraps. Xtreme Adhesive is five times stronger than traditional adhesive runners and is easy to apply, just roll to apply and then swipe to the side for a clean application.

Attach completed tie dye banners to ribbon with adhesive Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts
Shop Tombow

How to Tie Dye Paper with Markers for a Fourth of July Banner

The splash technique featuring Tombow Dual Brush Pens is quite addictive, so select some bright complementary colors and get creating! Inspirational Tie Dye for the Fourth of July is a super fun project that can be personalized for any holiday or occasion.

How to Tie Dye Paper with Markers  for the Fourth with Tombow Dual Brush Pens Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts

Additional Patriotic Crafts

For more Fourth of July Fireworks inspirations, click through and check out my DIY Fire Cracker Banner created with Kunin Felt.

This quick and easy DIY Recycled Wine Cork American Flag goes together in about 30 minutes. Put those recycled wine corks to good use in your home décor, creating a patriotic-inspired American Flag. I love showing my love for the stars and stripes year-round instead of just during the traditional holidays.

DIY Recycled Wine Cork American Flag Craft by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #flag #winecorks #crafts #recycled #american #homedecor

Sharing is Caring!

Too busy to create How To Tie Dye Paper with Markers right now? Pin it for later!  I’d love for you to pin this project to your favorite craft board on Pinterest and then it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

How to Tie Dye Paper with Markers  for the Fourth with Tombow Dual Brush Pens Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tiedye #tombowdualbrushpens #splashtechnique #patriotic #crafts
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