Easy Pom Pom Gnomes

Easy Pom Pom Gnomes with Red Heart Yarn Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #redheartyarn #coatsandclark #gnome #pompom #gnomes #diy #craft

Create Easy Pom Pom Gnomes with Red Heart Yarn and just a few simple supplies from around the house. The Super Saver line of yarn from Red Heart is a favorite among crafters because it comes in 110 different colors, so it can be mixed and matched to create customized craft projects. My mom has …

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Pom Pom Snowflake Pillow with Fairfield World

Pom Pom Snowflake Pillow with Fairfield World with Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #simplesewing #snowflake #pillow #feltcrafts

Now, I am not very good with a sewing machine by any stretch of the imagination, but I have seen a bunch of pillows all over Pinterest recently and I wanted to try a pillow of my own.  I decided that felt would be the perfect material to start with as it does not need …

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Pom Pom Love Bug Craft Thing 1 and Thing 2

Pom Pom Love Bug Craft Thing 1 and Thing 2 Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #pompomcraft #lovebug #drseuss #catinthehat #thing1andthing2 #pompomcraft

I am old enough to remember the vintage love bugs from the 1970s, are you? If not, my colorful Thing 1 and Thing 2 Pom Pom Love Bug Craft is the perfect 15 minute craft to celebrate Read Across America Week. This Dr. Seuss inspired pair is ready to create some mischief while your Mother …

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