Rainbow Button Clay Pot for Home Decor

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Y'all know that I am all about RAINBOWS, so this Rainbow Button Clay Pot is the perfect addition to my Home Decor. I was lucky to recently find a new to me button company called Button-Jam. They make high-quality buttons for the fashion industry and have converted those molds into the craft industry with a variety of bright and vibrant colors. This is a quick and easy project to make in about 15 minutes.

DIY Rainbow Clay Pot for Spring with Button Jam by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #rainbow #buttons #craft #claypot

Home Decor DIY Rainbow Button Clay Pot

DIY Rainbow Clay Pot for Spring with Button Jam by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #rainbow #buttons #craft #claypot

This post, Rainbow Button Clay Pot for Home Decor, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you need to make Rainbow Home Decor:

Here's how to create a Clay Pot with Buttons:


To begin the Rainbow Button Clay Pot, gather all supplies. Remove the packaging and the labels from the supplies. Select buttons in colors of the rainbow – red, orange, yellow, green, light blue, lilac, and pink.

DIY Rainbow Clay Pot for Spring with Button Jam by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #rainbow #buttons #craft #claypot


Two sets of rainbow buttons fit around the top rim of the clay pot perfectly. Attach with E6000 Adhesive Glue, and let the glue set. I love the mini tubes of E6000 for small projects like this Rainbow Button Clay Pot.

DIY Rainbow Clay Pot for Spring with Button Jam by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #rainbow #buttons #craft #claypot


Wrap natural jute twine around the clay pot three times, securing each end with E6000 Adhesive Glue. Set aside to allow the glue to set up.

DIY Rainbow Clay Pot for Spring with Button Jam by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #rainbow #buttons #craft #claypot


To finish the Rainbow Button Clay Pot, tie the natural jute twine into a bow, and attach it to the clay pot with E6000 Adhesive Glue. Trim any long ends of the bow with scissors.

DIY Rainbow Clay Pot for Spring with Button Jam by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #rainbow #buttons #craft #claypot

Quick and Easy Rainbow Button Clay Pot

Button-Jam is a direct manufacturer of high-end buttons using only high-quality, and environmentally friendly materials. They manufacture buttons for some of the largest Fashion Houses in the world with offices in Italy, New York, and Paris. Their vision is to bring the same unique, vintage, and couture buttons to the craft market, and make them in the most vibrant colors for everyone to enjoy. Every button in the Button-Jam assortment jars is inspected and packaged by hand with the same care that has been in place for over 100 years in their factory.

DIY Rainbow Clay Pot for Spring with Button Jam by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #rainbow #buttons #craft #claypot
Shop Tombow

Rainbow Home Decor with Buttons

Buttons from Button-Jam are a quick and easy way to give bright and vibrant color to any piece of home decor. This Rainbow Button Clay Pot went together in just about 15 minutes with limited supplies that you probably already have in your craft stash. It would make the perfect addition to your Spring or St. Patrick's Day holiday decor, and a great hostess, teacher, or welcome to the neighborhood gift.

DIY Rainbow Clay Pot for Spring with Button Jam by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #rainbow #buttons #craft #claypot

More Rainbow Button Inspiration

Laura from Me and My INKlings created a Handmade Felt Rainbow Button Cloud which is an easy sewing project for beginners. I love the rainbow colors of Button-Jam buttons that Laura selected for this sweet craft. I can absolutely see myself making one of these with my niece, Josie for her bedroom.

Lindsay from Artsy Fartsy Mama is sharing a fabulous and Easy Button Bracelet with a base of black elastic – BRILLIANT! I love the contrast between the shiny black Button Jam buttons and the bright turquoise hemp cord tied in the center. Perfect for the beginner crafter and excellent for crafting with the kiddos!

There are a TON of rainbow crafts sprinkled throughout my blog, here are a few I know you will love. Boho Rainbow Embroidery Hoops with Kunin Felt are fun to make while traveling. Download and print my Hand Lettered Dolly Parton Rainbow Quote for Free. Also quick and easy is my DIY Hemp Cord Rainbow for Spring Decor which goes together in about 15 minutes.

Sharing is Caring!

Too busy to make this right now? Pin it for later!  I'd love for you to pin this Rainbow Button Terra Cotta Pot project to your favorite craft board on Pinterest and then it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

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Thanks for stopping by!

2 thoughts on “Rainbow Button Clay Pot for Home Decor”

  1. Love the buttons! I have a collection of vintage buttons but they are mostly blacks, grays and browns. Seeing all that color is so fun! Feel free to share this post on Tuesday Turn About Link Party this week!


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