Easy DIY Picture Frame Snowman with Dollar Tree

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The best question ever asked?  Do you want to build a snowman?  The answer is always YES!  And these simple picture frames and paper doilies from Dollar Tree transform into a cute as can be DIY picture frame snowman to decorate your door all winter long!

Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts


Build a DIY Picture Frame Snowman with Dollar Tree Supplies

This post, DIY Picture Frame Snowman may contain affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I may earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you will need to create a Dollar Tree Frame Snowman:

Here's how to create a DIY Snowman from Dollar Tree Picture Frames:


Gather all supplies and protect your work surface.

Materials Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts

Remove cardboard backing, paper liner, and glass from picture frames.  Set these items aside.

Remove glass from frame Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts


In a well-ventilated area (or outside) spray paint plastic picture frames white.  Apply several light coats to achieve a solid coating.

Spray Paint Frames Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts



Using the paper picture frame liner as a base, apply layers of doilies onto the plain white side with an adhesive runner.

Layer Paper Doilies to frame Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts

Flip over and trim all edges with scissors.

Cut off excess Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts

Repeat with all three picture frame inserts.

Layered Paper Doilies Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts


Insert doily covered papers and cardboard backing into all three picture frames.

Insert back into frame Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts


Stack picture frames and secure matching edges with a strong adhesive like E6000.  Set aside to dry overnight.

Stack frames and glue together Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts


Cut a carrot nose from orange felt.  Orange cardstock would work as well.

Cut carrot nose from orange felt Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts

Attach carrot nose, two large black button eyes and three buttons to the snowman with the glue gun and glue sticks.

Attach carrot nose and buttons Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts


Measure and cut 24” lengths of at least three types of ribbon.  Tie around snowman’s neck and secure with the glue gun.

Add a ribbon scarf Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts


Paint snowflake cutout with light blue craft paint.  Set aside to dry.  Outline with clear glitter glue, let dry.  Then glue to the snowman to finish.

Decorate a snowflake Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts

This is a fun activity to create with your tweens and teens.  Make a DIY Picture Frame Snowman in just about 30 minutes.

Quick and Easy Dollar Tree Picture Frame Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #snowmancrafts #kidscrafts #wintercrafts

For some additional entertainment look up the history of snowmen on the internet and share fun facts. For more wintry inspiration, check out my Craft Stick Arctic Animals project created with Dollar Tree supplies.

Quick and Easy Craft Stick Arctic Animals Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #craftstickcrafts #dollartreecrafts #kidscrafts

Thanks for stopping by!

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