Batty Halloween Candy Bag with Oly*Fun

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Trick or Treating has never been sweeter!  Creating a Batty Halloween Candy Bag is quick and easy with Oly*Fun from Fairfield World.  The durable, weather-resistant and tear-proof Oly*Fun fabric is easy to cut and sew, which makes it the perfect base for this Batty companion for any costume on All Hallows Eve.  Created in just about an hour with some help from my niece, she decided that Batty was a boy and his name is Nick!


Creatively Beth Halloween Candy Bag completed!

Batty Halloween Candy Bag


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Here's what you need to create an Oly*Fun Candy Bag:



Creatively Beth Oly*Fun fabric by Fairfield World


Here's how to make a Candy Bag for Halloween:




Oly*Fun Craft Packs are 30″ wide and come folded in half, so I took advantage of that fold to create the bottom of the bag.  Measure and cut a 15″ wide length of Jelly Oly*Fun, which will create a 15″ by 15″ square.


Creatively Beth measure and cut Oly*Fun fabric for bag base


Fold the square in half and cut the corner from the original folded base, leaving part of the original folded base to become the bottom of the bag.


Creatively Beth fold Batty Bag in half and round the bottom corners




Cut two rectangles that are 2″ wide by 36″ long, then pin and sew the layers together.


Creatively Beth measure and cut a handle for the Halloween Bag


Cut four rectangles 8″ wide by 15″ long, then cut out three scallops along the bottom and around the end of the bat wings.


Creatively Beth create bat wings by cutting out scallops


Pin and sew two sets of layers together to create two bat wings.


Creatively Beth sew all layers together


Cut four squares 5″ by 5″ and then cut out triangles, then pin and sew two sets of layers together to create two bat ears.


Creatively Beth Batty ears are triangles cut out from squares




Unfold bag base, then pin and sew ears to top edge.


Creatively Beth pin ears to top of bag and sew


Insert handle 2″ in from the top edge on either side and pin in place.  Insert wings just under the handle edges, and pin in place.


Creatively Beth pin wings and handle onto bag base and sew all pieces together


Sew around the entire outside edge of the bag, leaving the top open, for candy, of course!  See the red guidelines in the photo below.


Creatively Beth sew the Candy Bag




Cut out features from two layers of Snow White Oly*Fun.  For the eyes, we used mixing bowls to create the circles, one 5″ and one 4″, overlapping in the center.  For the mouth, freehand a half circle and add two triangle fangs.  Pin in place, sew layers together then hot glue onto the front of the bag.


Creatively Beth cut out eyes and mouth from Snow White Oly*Fun


Measure and cut a strip of Kiwi Oly*Fun 3″ wide and 36″ long, then tie in a bow.  Because our Batty Halloween Candy Bag is a boy, named Nick, we attached the bow to the bottom center of the bag with hot glue.  If your Batty Bag is a girl you can attach the bow to the top, near the ears.


Creatively Beth Create a bow for Nick the Bat from Kiwi Oly*Fun


If you enjoyed this Batty Halloween Candy Bag project then make sure to check out my KIDS FRANKENSTEIN COSTUME tutorial, which has also been created with easy to use Oly*Fun!  Check out Fairfield World on Instagram for more inspiration.


Thanks for stopping by!

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