Valentine’s Day Book Stack Dollar Tree DIY

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Do you LOVE the book stack craze? (pun intended) Dollar Tree hardcover books and some craft paint transform into a trendy Valentine's Day Book Stack in just about 15 minutes.  The perfect farmhouse-style home décor with a sweet message for the entire family. I am so excited to be sharing today as part of the Creative Crafts Valentine's Day Edition, so stop back by Friday and Saturday to see all of the creative inspiration! And there might be a giveaway on Saturday!

Valentine's Day Book Stack a Dollar Tree DIY by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teamcreativecrafts #bookstack #dollartreecrafts #valentinesdaycrafts

A Dollar Tree DIY Valentine's Day Book Stack

This week I am co-hosting Team Creative Crafts VALENTINE'S DAY Crafts Edition with my crafty friends Laura from Laura Kelly Designs, and Lindsay from Artsy-Fartsy Mama. We are featuring ALL the fabulously colorful and cute craft projects from some of the most talented designers we know. Check out my tutorial, then scroll down to see all the creativity, AND stop back on Saturday to see what everyone has created!

Team Creative Crafts with Creatively Beth Laura Kelly Designs Artsy Fartsy Mama #teamcreativecrafts #creativelybeth #artsyfartsymama #laurakellydesigns

This post, Valentine's Day Book Stack a Dollar Tree DIY, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you need to make Hugs and Kisses Books:

Here's how to create a DIY Book Stack:


Gather all supplies.  Remove the paper dust covers and basecoat the canvas covers of the books with a mixture of Americana Titanium White and Bleached Sand acrylic craft paint.  Don’t over mix the colors and let the basecoat be rough, so the dark base of the book is visible through the paint.  Set aside to dry.


Dry brush Americana Slate Grey acrylic craft paint around the sides and edges of the books, in places that wear would naturally occur.  Set aside to dry.


Using both the upper- and lower-case alphabet stamps, select the message HuGs AnD KisSeS.  Place the spine of the book up, tap each letter stamp in the black ink pad, and then stamp on the spine.  The irregularity of the stamped letters gives the project a sweet farmhouse charm.


Stack books together then wrap with fuchsia and black gingham ribbons, tying in a knot at the top to secure. Cut a notch in the ends of the ribbons to finish. Hand letter XOXO on the mini shipping tag with Dual Brush Pen Poppy Red.


To finish the Valentine's Day Book Stack, snip off blossoms from pink and red silk flower bunches with wire cutters and tuck underneath the knot. Thread the black gingham ribbon through the hole in the shipping tag.

Quick and Easy Valentine's Day Book Stack

I hope you will use my Valentine's Day Book Stack project as a jumping-off point to showcase YOUR creative spirit. The perfect farmhouse style home décor with a sassy message. Change things up by stamping a message that speaks to you and embodies your home.  Your family and friends will never know how quick and easy this trendy book stack was to create!

Valentine's Day Book Stack a Dollar Tree DIY by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teamcreativecrafts #bookstack #dollartreecrafts #valentinesdaycrafts

Now it’s time for some INSPIRATION!

Below are more hugs and kisses projects created by my craftiest designer friends. We are participating in the Creative Crafts – Valentine's Day Edition. Scroll down to see all the goodness. Stop back by on Saturday for a round-up of all the super cool projects!

First up is my co-host Laura with Me and My Inklings who is the kindest person I know. She is sharing Service Project Valentine's with bright colors, patterns, and hearts to brighten everyone's day. She will pack these in her car and hand them out all over town. Kindness Matters!

Remember, today is day one of Creative Crafts Valentine's Day Edition, so stop back by on Friday and Saturday for more creativity. I promise you won't be disappointed, but rather inspired!

Valentine's Day Book Stack a Dollar Tree DIY by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #teamcreativecrafts #bookstack #dollartreecrafts #valentinesdaycrafts
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13 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Book Stack Dollar Tree DIY”

  1. I love books, Beth, and this is such an easy way to incorporate them into our decor. I wrap my books in white paper, add the letters to the spines, and change them out for various holidays/themes. Thanks for sharing this. I love the ribbon and flowers and the little “Xs and Os” tag!


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