Tips for Crafting with Kids while Social Distancing

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I'm very close with my family and normally see them every couple of weeks, but in the midst of this new normal we’ve been missing our hang out and creative time together.  It quite honestly has been very disappointing, especially since I had a new craft kit from Beyond the Blackboard to try out with my teenage niece, Marlee, who is my ultimate partner in craftiness.  Can you say, impatient crafter? We were texting our frustration back and forth this morning when I realized that we could still craft together remotely.  This revelation immediately lifted our spirits.  So, here are my tips for Crafting with the Kids while Social Distancing. And a secret: there is a GIVEAWAY if you scroll down to the end of this post.

Crafting with Kids while Social Distancing Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids

Social Distancing and Crafting a How-to

This post, Crafting with Kids while Social Distancing may contain affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I may earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Crafting with Social Distance

My favorite online toy store, Beyond the Blackboard, had just sent me a brand new All About ME Quiz Art box from the Ann Williams Group.  An interactive craft kit, answer the questions included in the quiz book to select the colors and create a truly one of a kind piece of artwork that is a reflection of your kid. 

This is a brilliant, original concept and my 16-year-old niece, Marlee was excited to get started, even though she didn’t know yet what we were creating.  All I told her was to answer the questions I texted her and we would create a craft project together that was all about her!

Crafting with Kids while Social Distancing Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids


Unbox all the materials and read through the Quiz Book and Instructions.  Everything you need, except for scissors, is included in the box.

Supplies included in the All About ME Quiz Art box Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids


Next, text the questions and wait for the responses.  I did this one at a time and waited for each answer before I moved on to the next question.  I already knew most of Marlee’s answers, but a couple of them surprised me.

Ask question via text when social distancing Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids


Mark each answer in the quiz Book and then get to crafting!  Assemble the wooden bases, apply the stickers and start wrapping the threads.

Build the wooden frame for the Quiz Art Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids

The booklet walks you through each question, the coordinating colors and wrapping process.

Instuctions explain how to wrap the thread Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids

Here’s what Base #1 looks like with all of Marlee’s answers. Numbered stickers are placed on the front and the back of Base #1 and Base #2, so you can keep track of where you are at in the wrapping process.

Here is Base One Completed Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids


Start wrapping Base #2 according to the instructions in the Quiz Book.

Here is Base Two wrapped with thread Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids


Attach the bases together with double-sided adhesive.  There is double-sided tape provided in the box, but I selected Tombow MONO Adhesive Dots from my stash.

Attach base one and base two together Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids


Next, weave the colored threads around both bases to create unique patterns and designs.

Wrap thread around both layers for depth Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids


Measure and cut rainbow-colored plastic straws (included in the box) to embellish the sticks.

Embellish with straws Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids

Continue to weave and build the design.

Accent with beads Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids

To finish, text a photo of the stickers and wait for the response.  This one surprised me.  I thought Marlee would pick one of the bright rainbow stickers, but she chose the pretty blue flower.  Her tastes are definitely growing up!

Attached decorative stickers when complete Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids

Crafting with Kids and Social Distancing

I am always thrilled to hang out and get crafty with my niece, Marlee, but she hasn’t been this enthusiastic to craft with me in a while now.  She was truly excited and could not wait to see the final result of our long-distance crafting session.  The All About ME Quiz Art box is a unique concept that appeals to a wide variety of age groups.

Crafting with Kids while Social Distancing Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids

The element of surprise created a fun twist to Crafting with the Kids while Social Distancing.  We were able to turn our frowns upside down and use technology to connect and be creative.  I think that looking at things with a new perspective is so important during this unusual time.  We must be innovative, creative and stay connected in positive and uplifting ways!

Crafting with Kids while Social Distancing Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids


Some of my crafty friends and I are hosting a giveaway sponsored by Beyond the Blackboard! Enter via the Rafflecopter link below ⇓

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you are looking for additional ways to get Crafting with the Kids while Social Distancing, art kits by the Ann Williams Group from Beyond the Blackboard would be perfect!  Here are a few that Marlee picked out.

Craft-Tastic Inspire Posters are great for older tweens and teens to create.

Llamas are trendy for kids of ALL ages and Marlee picked this Llama String Art kit out for her friend, Grace.

The Mini Glitter Bowls kit is perfect for sharing.  Make one to keep and two to give to friends!

Marlee was thrilled when I texted her the photo of her completed All About ME Quiz Art project, as you can see, I received a Star-Eyes Emoji response.  My title as #1 Aunt is secure!

The final project reveal sent through text Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #annwilliams #craftkits #craftingwithkids

Check out this super fun and easy How to Create Faux Wood Burning with Tombow MONO Drawing Pen tutorial.

How to Create Faux Wood Burning with Tombow MONO Drawing Pen Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #woodburning #springcrafts #woodslice #doodle #handlettering

Thanks for stopping by!

4 thoughts on “Tips for Crafting with Kids while Social Distancing”

  1. WOW – I want to do all of these. I love the idea of crafting via texting or while on zoom! You rock!


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