How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable

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Download and print hand-drawn suitcase printables to create Laminated Luggage Tags with the Xyron Creative Station. Y'all know that I just LOVE sharing my drawings and doodles, so today I am excited to share a vintage suitcase and blank suitcase luggage tag file that you can download, customize, and color. There are SO MANY plain black suitcases on that baggage claim belt that I had to create a personalized tag for my bag, which I wanted to share with YOU!

How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable on the Xyron Creative Station by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #xyron #creativestation #freeprintable #luggagetags

Free Printable Vintage Suitcase Luggage Tag

How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable on the Xyron Creative Station by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #xyron #creativestation #freeprintable #luggagetags

This post, How to Make Luggage Tags with a Free Printable, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you need to make Suitcase Luggage Tags:

Here's how to create Luggage Tags that are Laminated:


I love my Creative Station Xyron®! If you aren't familiar with the Creative Station it might look complicated, but the set-up and operation are quick and easy. The Creative Station comes with an adhesive cartridge, but you can also get a laminate with magnet cartridge and a double-sided laminate cartridge.

How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable on the Xyron Creative Station by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #xyron #creativestation #freeprintable #luggagetags

Unboxing the Creative Station is simple. Lift the lid and then install the Double-Sided Lamination which is super easy as the cartridges just drop right in. Make sure to insert the material between the top and bottom roller, then close the lid to engage the material. Pull the handle out from the side of the machine, lift and turn. Set-up is complete in under 5 minutes. And when you want to use a different cartridge, lift the current one out (even if it isn’t finished) and insert a new one.

Xyron® is your official site for all your crafting needs


To begin the How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable, gather all supplies and set up the Creative Station with the double-sided laminate cartridge. Download and print the Hand-Drawn Vintage Suitcase Luggage Tag file below ⇓ onto white cardstock. I have included a vintage-style suitcase with fun travel stickers for you to color however you want!

How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable on the Xyron Creative Station by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #xyron #creativestation #freeprintable #luggagetags


Color the Free Printable Suitcase Luggage Tag. I love the 1500 Colored Pencils from Tombow for coloring because the colors are bright, vibrant, and come in 36 fabulous colors. You can also use crayons, markers, or even paint to create your personalized suitcase.

How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable on the Xyron Creative Station by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #xyron #creativestation #freeprintable #luggagetags


Add your information to the plain side of the tag with a permanent marker like the MONO Twin from Tombow. Then cut out the Suitcase Luggage Tag from the cardstock around the outer edge.


Fold the colored luggage tag in half and place it in the feeder tray of the Creative Station. Push all the way forward until you feel resistance, then crank the handle to advance the Double-Sided Lamination material. Once it comes out the backside of the Creative Station, then you can press down on the cutting blade and cut the luggage tag from the lamination.


To complete the Laminated Luggage Tags with Free Printable, cut the suitcase out of the lamination leaving approximately 1/8″ around the outer edge. This will keep the tag sealed inside the lamination. Punch a hole in the suitcase, add a ribbon or string hanger and attach it to your suitcase to be ready for your next adventure! I love the vintage look and feel of this Suitcase Luggage Tag, it was fun to draw all of the fun travel stickers.

How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable on the Xyron Creative Station by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #xyron #creativestation #freeprintable #luggagetags

Laminated Luggage Tags to Print and Color

With five types of cartridges, the Xyron® Creative Station makes all types of crafts and projects easy! Permanent Adhesive & Repositionable Adhesive will turn anything into a sticker with a few cranks! Add a personal touch to notebooks, school projects, and more. Two-Sided Lamination is ideal for bookmarks, badges, charts, and certificates, cold lamination is a breeze. Within seconds, your project is protected with a two-sided laminate. Laminate with Magnet is a great way to display your creativity! Perfect for hanging photos on the fridge or other magnetic surfaces. Use Laminate with Adhesive to personalize your favorite items! Add adhesive to laminated projects with the adhesive and laminate roll. And always free shipping on all orders in the US. Create a fun gift tag for a friend who loves to travel, just by adding their name to the colored Suitcase luggage Tag.

How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable on the Xyron Creative Station by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #xyron #creativestation #freeprintable #luggagetags
Shop Tombow

Lindsay has the cuteness factor turned up with a set of Free Printable Motivational Stickers. Head over to Artsy Fartsy Mama to download and print these adorable images, cut them out, and then run them through the Creative Station with the Adhesive Cartridge to create stickers.

Laura from Me and My INKlings has created a set of adorable DIY Inspirational Magnet Gift Tags to download, print, and color for FREE! Add a magnetic tag to your next gift and then the recipient can use the tag with the inspirational messages as a daily reminder of how awesome they are!

Sharing is Caring!

Too busy to make this Free Printable Vintage Suitcase Luggage Tag right now? Pin it for later!  I'd love for you to pin this project to your favorite craft board on Pinterest and then it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

How to Make Laminated Luggage Tags with a Free Printable on the Xyron Creative Station by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #xyron #creativestation #freeprintable #luggagetags
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