Dollar Tree Christmas Cupcake Ornament A DIY Craft

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Create Dollar Tree Christmas Cupcake Ornaments for the holidays. I am always creating new ornaments to craft with my Niece and Nephew for the holidays.  They give them away to family, friends, neighbors, and teachers to brighten the season.  A few simple materials transform into sweet Dollar Tree Cupcakes to decorate your tree this holiday season!  Never has crafting been such a treat!

Dollar Tree Christmas Cupcake Ornaments #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #christmascrafts #christmascupcake


Create a Christmas Cupcake with Dollar Tree Supplies

This post, Dollar Tree Christmas Cupcake may contain affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I may earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you will need to make Cupcake Ornaments:

  • Christmas Ornaments – Satin Wrapped Foam Balls Dollar Tree
  • Cupcake Liners – Red and Green Christmas Patterns Dollar Tree
  • Pom Poms, Red, White, and Green Tinsel – Dollar Tree
  • Glitter, Clear – Dollar Tree
  • Baker’s Twine, Red, and Green in 10” lengths – Dollar Tree
  • Dimensional Fabric Paint, Red, and Green – I Love To Create
  • Glue Gun and Glue Sticks – Surebonder
  • Palette Knife, Plastic
  • Scissors – I LOVE my Fiskars!
  • Plain Paper

Here's how to make Holiday Themed Cupcakes:


Gather all supplies.

Dollar Tree Supplies needed for Christmas Cupcakes #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #christmascrafts #christmascupcake

Push down foam ornaments on to work surface to flatten the base.  Glue the ornament into a paper cupcake liner with the glue gun and glue sticks.

Dollar Tree Ornaments Become Cupcakes #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #christmascrafts #christmascupcake


Apply a generous amount of dimensional fabric paint to the top of the ornament.

Frost the Cupcakes with Dimensional Fabric Paint #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #christmascrafts #christmascupcake


Spread around evenly with a palette knife to resemble frosting.  Ice the green cupcake liners with red “frosting” and the red cupcake liners with green “frosting”.

Spread frosting on Christmas Cupcake Ornaments with a palette #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #christmascrafts #christmascupcake


Place the cupcake on plain paper and sprinkle it with clear glitter.  Gather paper and return excess glitter to the container.  Set aside to dry overnight.

Clear Glitter Sprinkles Decorate the Cupcakes and make them sparkle #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #christmascrafts #christmascupcake


Thread a ten-inch length of baker’s twine through the hanger and tie it into a loop.  Glue a pom-pom “cherry” on both sides of the hanger to hide the knot.

Add the cherry on top! #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #christmascrafts #christmascupcake

Dollar Tree Christmas Cupcake Ornaments

I hope you have enjoyed my Dollar Store Cupcake Ornament and you will use this project as a jumping-off point to showcase YOUR creativity today!  Get the kiddos involved and make some fun keepsakes that everyone will love creating!  Quick and easy Christmas Cupcake Ornaments go together in about 30 minutes (not including drying time) and make a great addition to any Christmas gift.

Dollar Tree Christmas Cupcake Ornaments #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #christmascrafts #christmascupcake

Some fun Disney inspiration can be found by clicking on my Mickey and Minnie Dollar Store Ornaments. They are quick, easy, and economical!

Mickey and Minnie Dollar Tree Ornaments #creativelybeth #mickeyandminnie #disneycraft #christmascraft

Sharing is Caring!

Too busy to make this DIY Dollar Tree Christmas Cupcake Ornament right now? Pin it for later!  I'd love for you to pin this project to your favorite craft board on Pinterest and then it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

Dollar Tree Christmas Cupcake Ornaments Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartree #christmas #craft #diy #cupcake #ornament

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