Tooth Fairy Monster Pillows with FREE Patterns

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Losing teeth can be kinda scary, so a fun Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow can be helpful in easing the kiddos into this transition. I was an avid ice hockey fan growing up, so when I was 7 years old and lost both my front teeth, I was super excited that my hero Bobby Clarke was missing his two front teeth as well! It was comforting and made everything a little less daunting. Little did I know at the time that his teeth were permanently missing from playing ice hockey. Yikes!

Inexpensive felt and a few buttons plus my favorite Poly-Fil® from Fairfield World make this project quick and easy. I even created a free printable pattern to make this project even easier for you.

Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow for Boys and Girls with FREE Patterns Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #toothfairy #fairfieldworld #80daysofpolyfil #polyfil #felt #monster #craft

Quick and Easy Tooth Fairy Monster Pillows

This post, Tooth Fairy Monster Pillows for Boys and Girls with FREE Patterns, contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I will earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

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Here's what you need to make Tooth Fairy Pillows:

Here's how to create Hand Sewn Monster Tooth Fairy Pillows:


Gather all supplies. Download, print, and cut out the Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow Patterns below.

Supplies needed for Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow for Boys and Girls with FREE Patterns Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #toothfairy #fairfieldworld #80daysofpolyfil #polyfil #felt #monster #craft


Layer two pieces of felt and the entire tooth pattern together, securing with straight pins. Cut out with scissors. Repeat this process with tooth pocket patterns, eye patterns, and tooth patterns. Get the kiddos involved in this step by selecting their color scheme. Get creative and use up what you have on hand.


Attach white felt teeth to the back of the tooth pocket with hot glue. Repeat this process by attaching the felt eyes to the top of each monster's body. I love the bold and bright superhero color combo, which is perfect for a boy or a girl!


Stack all three layers of felt together, lining up the edges and securing them with straight pins. Thread an embroidery needle with floss and blanket stitch the edges, leaving a small two-inch opening at the top for stuffing. For step-by-step blanket stitch instructions, visit my friend Bev's blog Flamingo Toes, and her Embroidery Tips post, which is my go-to resource! I love the bright mix of contrasting colors.


Stuff the Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow with Poly-Fil® from Fairfield World™ through the small opening left at the top. Pull apart small pieces of Poly-Fil and work down into each section of the pillow using a chopstick or pencil. I like soft stuff, so I use a bit less Poly-Fil. If you prefer harder stuff, use more and pack it tighter.

Leave a section open and then stuff the Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow with Poly-Fil from Fairfield World Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #toothfairy #fairfieldworld #80daysofpolyfil #polyfil #felt #monster #craft


Once the Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow is stuffed, stitch it closed, using a blanket stitch and the yellow embroidery floss.

Stitch Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow closed Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #toothfairy #fairfieldworld #80daysofpolyfil #polyfil #felt #monster #craft


Stack a small black button on top of a large colorful button and stitch it together with black embroidery floss. Attach the button eyes to the monster with hot glue. This pillow should be used by older children. For smaller children, you can stitch on all elements.

Download the Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow Patterns HERE

Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow: a Beginner Sewing Project

And your Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow is complete.  Aren't they the cutest things ever?! Get the kiddos involved in picking out the colors and buttons, to make it a fun family activity. And, Poly-Fil® from Fairfield World makes the perfect filler! Poly-Fil® has superior resiliency, and smooth consistency, is hypo-allergenic, and is unconditionally guaranteed.

Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow for Boys and Girls with FREE Patterns Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #toothfairy #fairfieldworld #80daysofpolyfil #polyfil #felt #monster #craft

This year Poly-Fil® is CELEBRATING it's 80th Anniversary with 80 Days of Poly-Fil® projects. Check out the Fairfield World Instagram account daily to see all of the fabulous projects! I hope you will use my Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow stuffed with Poly-Fil® project as a jumping-off point to showcase your creativity and create something fun and colorful with the kiddos today!  Switch up the colors to match YOUR child's favorites or add additional embroidery stitches to create a handmade keepsake, the possibilities are endless!

More Poly-Fil Crafts and DIY Projects

If you liked this project, click through to my Denim Pumpkins with Recycled Jeans which are also stuffed with Poly-Fil® from Fairfield World! Quick and easy to make with no sewing.

How to Create Denim Pumpkins with Recycled Jeans Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #upcycle #recycle #denim #crafts #falldecor #pumpkins #autumndecor #diy

My Easy Poly-Fil Pocket Hugs are the perfect service project for schools, scouts, religious organizations, or just because you want to brighten someone's day. Complete with a free printable pattern and pocket hug poem tags.

Easy Poly-Fil Pocket Hugs Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #polyfil #pockethug #createwithkunin

I love crafting everyday items into keepsakes for family and friends. Those projects made with love are extra special gifts. This Easy Upcycled Sweatshirt Pillow Stuffed with Poly-Fil® started out as a Birthday present bought in the wrong size that couldn't be returned. My nephew was totally bummed when he tried to try it on and it was too small. I immediately thought I could turn it into a pillow!

Easy Upcycled Sweatshirt Pillow Stiffed with Poly-Fil by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #upccyledcrafts #recycledcrafts #pillow #madewithFFW #sweatshirtpillow #hoodiepillow

Sharing is Caring! If you LOVE it, Please PIN it!

Are you too busy to make these Tooth Fairy Monster Pillows for Boys and Girls right now? Pin it for later!  I'd love for you to pin this project to your favorite craft board on Pinterest and then it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

Tooth Fairy Monster Pillow for Boys and Girls with FREE Patterns Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #toothfairy #fairfieldworld #80daysofpolyfil #polyfil #felt #monster #craft

I'd love to hear what you think about this project, or if you want to know more about Kunin Felt. If you've made your own Tooth Fairy projects, I would love to see your creations! Share them on Instagram, and Facebook, or leave a comment/photo on the project pin on Pinterest! #CreativelyBeth

Thanks for stopping by!

25 thoughts on “Tooth Fairy Monster Pillows with FREE Patterns”

    • Thanks, Michelle! This is an idea that I have had for the longest time, so all but one of the kiddos in my life are no too old as well!

    • OH, that’s FABULOUS, Anoushka! I’d love for you to share a photo and tag me on FB or IG! @creativelybeth

  1. Beth- I always love your projects and creativity! This is adorable and perfect for kids! Thank you for sharing this post on the Home Imagined Link Party.

  2. These are too cute Beth, I imagine my parents would have loved this when I was a little girl, instead of trying to fish out that single tooth from under my pillow and not waking me in the process! Ha!

  3. These are just too cute! I need to make one for my BFF’s grandbaby to whom I’m “Fairy Grandmother”. Featuring when my party opens.

  4. These are just so cute Beth!
    Thank you for sharing this DIY at Create, Bake, Grow & Gather this week. I’m delighted to be featuring your tooth fairy monster pillows at the party tonight and pinning too.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne


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