Recycled Paper Bag Notebook Covers with Kwik Stix

Recycled Paper Bag Notebook Covers with Kwik Stix Paint by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #kwikstix #pencilgripcompany #recycled #backtoschool #doodle #diy

Create Recycled Paper Bag Notebook Covers straight out of the bin with Kwik Stix from the Pencil Grip. These solid tempera paint sticks are quick and easy to use because you just remove the cap, twist up, and paint! The paint dries in 90 seconds and gives the deep rich look of a painted surface. …

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Upcycled DIY Wine Cork Apple for Teacher

Upcycled DIY Wine Cork Apple for Teacher by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #upcycled #winecork #crafts #diy #apple #teacher #backtoschool #gift

Back-to-School time is the perfect time to create an Upcycled DIY Wine Cork Apple for Teacher. These were actually so quick and easy that I made three in different sizes. Add a gift card and it makes the perfect welcome back-to-school gift for your new teacher. Upcycled Wine Cork Apple for Teacher This post, Upcycled …

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Dollar Tree Upcycled Flip Flop Freedom Sign

Dollar Tree Upcycled Flip Flop Freedom Sign hanging on an old window Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #flipflopsign #freedom #recycle #upcycle #dollartree #craft

I ventured out to the Dollar Tree recently and discovered some super cute new patriotic flip flops. Based on the popularity of my Flip Flop Welcome Sign (scroll down to see this beauty) I decided to create this quick and easy Dollar Tree Upcycled Flip Flop Freedom Sign in under 30 minutes! I purchased five …

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How to Upcycle Flip Flops with Embroidery Floss

How to Upcycle Flip Flops with Anchor Embroidery Floss Spools by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartree #crafts #flipflops #summer #diy

Learn How to Upcycle Flip Flops with Embroidery Floss Spools by Anchor. Summer is here and a new pair of trendy flip flops don’t have to cost a fortune. Pick up a pair of solid-colored flip flops then wrap the plastic thong strap with bright colors of Anchor Embroidery Floss to create a custom accessory. …

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DIY Wood Pedestal from Craft Store Supplies

Easy Wooden Pedestals for a Farmhouse Tiered Tray by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #tieredtray #wooden #pedestal #craft #farmhouse

I love taking ordinary supplies from the craft store and turning them into trendy farmhouse-style home decor. This DIY Wood Pedestal was inspired by a set I saw online and wanted, but didn’t want to pay the price. Breaking the pedestals down into wooden pieces and parts that can be found at the craft store …

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DIY Fabric Covered Sneakers

DIY Fabric Covered Tennis Shoes by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #fabriccraft #diycraft #fabriccoveredsneakers #diysneakers #diytennisshoes

I was inspired by the fancy floral patterned sneakers all over the internet recently, but I was not inspired by the expensive prices. A quick trip to the fabric store where I found some gorgeous butterfly material, a stop at the dollar store for super cute canvas sneakers, and I am all set. Scroll down …

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Recycled Tin Can Herb Garden

I love crafting straight out of the recycle bin. This Recycled Rainbow Herb Garden takes repurposing vegetable and soup tin cans to the next level creating a bright, colorful (and yummy) addition to your outdoor décor just in time for Spring! This rainbow-inspired project is effortless with DecoArt® Patio Paint Outdoor™ designed for exterior craft projects.  Recycled …

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Recycled New Year Noisemakers with Christmas Decor

Recycled New Year Noisemakers with Christmas Supplies by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #newyearseve #noisemakers #diy #crafts #upcycled #recycled

Create festive Recycled New Year Noisemakers with repurposed Christmas decorations. Plastic ornaments, curling ribbon, and jingle bells take center stage with a dazzling update courtesy of DecoArt® Galaxy Glitter™ acrylic glitter paint. Spend the afternoon with the kids (and adults) making sparkling New Year’s Eve party decorations and memories. New Year’s Eve Noisemakers made from Recycled …

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Recycled Cardboard Scrap Tags for the Holidays

Recycled Cardboard Scrap Tag with E6000 Extreme Tack Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #recycledcrafts #gifttags #upcycledcrafts #e6000 #extremetack

Y’all know that I love to upcycle all the things, so these Recycled Cardboard Scrap Tags are perfect for my holiday gift-giving. Extreme Tack from Eclectic Products, the makers of E6000 make them quick and easy to create. Holiday Scrap Tags from Recycled Cardboard This post, Recycled Cardboard Scrap Tags for the Holidays, contains affiliate links. …

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5 Minute Copper Scrubber Pumpkins Dollar Tree DIY

5 Minute Copper Scrubber Pumpkins Dollar Tree DIY Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #pumpkincrafts #fallcrafts

Simple copper mesh pot scrubbers from the kitchen section at Dollar Tree transform into the cutest set of Pumpkins. The perfect little addition to your Fall tiered tray decorations. Make all three 5 Minute Copper Scrubber Pumpkins with limited supplies, scraps, and a twig from the yard! Dollar Tree DIY 5 Minute Copper Scrubber Pumpkins …

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