No Sew Holly Gift Bag with Therm-O-Web

No Sew Holly Gift Bag Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #nosew #applique #giftbag #christmas #holly #berry #freeprintable #freepattern #thermoweb #peelnstick #fabricfuse

Create a No Sew Holly Gift Bag for your favorite person or a bright and colorful way to carry all your Christmas card supplies. This adorable gift bag takes only 30 minutes to make with Free Printable patterns included below. Therm-O-Web’s PeelnStick Fabric Fuse Adhesive Sheets are from the HeatnBond family of adhesives and contain …

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DIY Fall Pumpkin Flag with Therm-O-Web Adhesives

DIY Fall Pumpkin Flag with Therm-O-Web Adhesives by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #thermoweb #heatnbond #gardenflag #waterprooffabric

My DIY Fall Pumpkin Flag was a fun experiment with some new and some tried and true adhesives from Therm-O-Web™. I recently received a box of goodies from one of my favorite companies, Therm-O-Web™. They have some new and innovative products on the market that they wanted me to try out, and I was most …

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