The BEST Snowman Crafts, Free Printables, and DIYs

The Best Snowman Crafts DIY Free Printables and SVG Cut Files Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #snowman #freeprintables #diy #crafts #svg #cutfiles #bestsnowman #roundup #teamcreativecrafts

Rounding up 51+ of the BEST Snowman Crafts, Free Printables, and DIYs for you today! As that now iconic song puts it – “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” Snowmen and women have been a favorite of mine since I watched the Frosty cartoon as a kid growing up. Let’s celebrate our snowy friends …

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Dollar Tree Christmas DIY Craft Stick Snowman

Dollar Tree Christmas DIY Craft Stick Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartree #diy #snowman #craftstick #crafts #christmas

Create the easiest Dollar Tree Christmas DIY Craft Stick Snowman with the kiddos. Simple craft sticks along with paint, wiggle eyes, chenille stems, and pom poms transform into the cutest pair of frosty friends just in time to celebrate Christmas in July. Stay tuned as I will be sharing new Christmas ornaments all month long! Quick and easy …

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Dollar Tree Christmas Crafts Clay Pot Snowman

Dollar Tree Christmas Crafts Clay Pot Snowman Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartree #diy #snowman #claypot #crafts

Learn how to make a pair of Dollar Tree Christmas Crafts Clay Pot Snoman Ornaments in just 30 minutes. Simple mini clay flowerpots along with paint, wiggle eyes, chenille stems, and pom poms transform into the cutest pair of frosty friends just in time to celebrate Christmas in July. Stay tuned as I will be sharing new Christmas ornaments …

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Tree Branch Snowman Ornaments

Tree Branch Snowman Ornaments a Kids Craft by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #kidscraft #snowmanornament #treebranchslice #woodslice #christmas

I discovered bags and bags of these mini tree branch slices on clearance at my local craft store. So, I bought them all up and created Tree Branch Snowman Ornaments with the kids this holiday season. Y’all know that crafting with the kiddos in my life is one of my favorite things to do! every …

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Snowman Pom Pom Poppers for Indoor Snowball Fights

Snowball Fight! Snowman Pom Pom Popper Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #dollartreecrafts #pompom #snowman

With just a few supplies from the Dollar Store and a few household craft supplies, you can turn leftover paper party cups into to Snowman Pom Pom Poppers to create hours of fun (and quiet) play!  Host an indoor snowball fight by letting each of your kiddos select a different color of pom poms.   …

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