Easy Bean Bag Tablet Holder with Fairfield World

Easy Bean Bag Tablet Holder with Fairfield World by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #madewithFFW #fairfieldworld #ployfil #beanbag

Have you been spending a lot of time this past year on FaceTime and Zoom? Well, my tutorial How to Make an Easy Bean Bag Tablet Holder is a 15-minute project that can hold your tablet or phone. And boy, can new bean bag tablet holders be expensive. The secret is Poly-Fil® Classic Bean Bag …

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How to Refill a Bean Bag Chair with Fairfield World

How to Refill a Bean Bag Chair with Fairfield World by Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #madewithFFW #fairfieldworld #beanbagchair

Do you have a sad, flat bean bag chair at home? Well, my tutorial How to Refill a Bean Bag Chair is a quick and easy alternative to buying new. And boy, can new bean bag chairs be expensive. While visiting family over Super Bowl weekend, my niece asked if I knew how to help …

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How to Create a Playful Bean Bag Bunny and Chick

How to Create a Playful Bean Bag Bunny and Chick Creatively Beth #creativelybeth #fairfieldworld #eastercrafts #bunny #chick

It’s never too early to craft for the next holiday!  Easter is in mid-April this year, so there’s plenty of time to create Bean Bag Bunny and Chick home decor with one of my all-time favorite companies – Fairfield World.  Grab some Kunin Felt, upcycle a pillowcase or use any fabric you have around the …

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