Now, I am not very good with a sewing machine by any stretch of the imagination, but I have seen a bunch of pillows all over Pinterest recently and I wanted to try a pillow of my own. I decided that felt would be the perfect material to start with as it does not need to be hemmed and is very easy to work with. The Poly-Fil Premier Pillow Insert by Fairfield World is now my new favorite! This Pom Pom Snowflake Pillow went together in less than an hour TOTAL and looks festive enough to leave up until the Spring thaw! The perfect accent to my guest bedroom.

Sew a Quick and Easy Snowflake Pillow

This post, Pom Pom Snowflake Pillow contains affiliate links. Using links to these sites means I earn a percentage of the purchase at no extra cost to you.

Here's what you need to create a snowflake pillow:
- Fairfield World Poly-Fil Premier™ Pillow Insert 20″ X 20″
- 36” Wide Bolt of Kunin™ Classicfelt™ in Charcoal – 1 Yard
- Beacon Adhesives Felt Glue
- Scissors – I love my Fiskars!
- Pom Poms ½” White (2 bags of 100)
- Pom Poms 1/2″ White Tinsel (1 bag of 25)
- Sewing Machine with Black Thread – This Singer is my go-to machine!
- Ruler – Clear Plastic
- Charcoal Pencil, White

Here's how to create a pillow decorated with a pom pom snowflake:
Measure two squares of Kunin™ Charcoal Felt 24” by 24” from yardage. The Poly-Fil Premier™ Pillow Insert is 20″ by 20″, so add four inches to create the border once the pillow is sewn.

Cut out two 24″ by 24″ squares from felt yardage. Measure and mark two inches in from edges of one piece of Kunin™ Charcoal Felt and then connect lines to form a square. Use a light hand with these lines as you do not want to be able to see them through the stitches.

Match up the marked square of felt with the unmarked square of felt and pin together.

Sew around three edges of the pillowcase with a sewing machine and black or dark thread.

Then stuff with the Fairfield World Poly-Fil Premier Pillow Insert. Carefully hold down pillow form as you stitch up the last edge. Trim threads.

Measure the center of the finished pillow and make a light mark. Starting at the center, apply plain white pom poms with Beacon Adhesives Felt Glue in a snowflake pattern. Now, I know my snowflake has eight sides and I have two reasons why. First, I laid it out with six sides and the pillow front looked empty. Second, eight sides are A LOT easier to figure out the math for! 🙂

Accent with white tinsel pom poms and then, let the glue dry completely before use.

Quick and Easy Pom Pom Snowflake Pillow
I hope you have enjoyed my Pom Pom Snowflake Pillow! It is super quick and easy to make a pillow in just an hour AND a great project to make with the kids on a snowy afternoon! Change up the pattern of the pom poms to create your very own personalized snowflakes!

Create a Pom Pom Pillow with Fairfield World
This Poly-Fil Premier Ultra Plush Pillow Insert by Fairfield World is definitely my favorite! Very soft a squishy but keeps its shape and doesn't flatten, but keeps its fluffiness!

At Fairfield We Make For Good
And I love that Fairfield World is a family-owned company celebrating 80 years in business! Their motto is “We Make For Good!” Share your maker story of giving back and crafting for a cause to be featured on the Fairfield World website! And follow Fairfield World on Instagram for a TON of creative inspiration!

For even more Fairfield creative inspiration check out my post 5 Minute Snow Globe Ornament with Poly-Fil Glasslets. Easy Red Truck Snow Globe a 15 Minute DIY with Poly-Fil Poly-Pellets. Upcycled Vintage Quilt Christmas Tree Pillow with Poly-Fil Premier Lumbar Pillow Insert.

Sharing is Caring!
Too busy to make my Pom Pom Snowflake Pillow right now? Pin it for later! I’d love for you to pin this project to your favorite craft board on Pinterest and then it’ll be waiting for you when you’re ready.

Thanks for stopping by!

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