fail. Painting over my ugly faux wood grain
with black saved it from the trash bin!
Add bright pops of color by hand coloring a fabulous flowering die cut
card stock, then accent with doodling to create my Idea Journal. A special place where I can draw and write
down all my inspirational ideas and thoughts.
I hope my journal will get your creative juices flowing!

ScoreBoards™ XL Die – Journal by Eileen Hull™ #661906
Sizzles – 6″ x 13″ Mat Board Pack, 6 White Sheets
Die cut cardstock: Much Love
Big Shot with Multi Purpose Plate and Cutting Pads
Brush – Flat wash ¾”
Rounder Punch
MONO Aqua Liquid Glue
Journal.2. Paint the inside and outside of both
covers lamp black, let dry. Dry brush
the outside of both covers horizontally and vertically with graphite to
resemble linen, let dry.3. Measure and cut two pieces of scrapbook paper 4” by 8 ¼” then round the two outside corners. Attach to the inside front and back covers of your journal with xtreme adhesive.

Measure two 4 ½” wide by 8 ¾” tall
rectangles onto the die cut paper Much Love.
Color with a variety of dual brush pens, leaving the words white.

Doodle over the hand colored paper with
permanent pen, using the bullet and fine tips to give dimension to your design.

Rough cut colored and doodled rectangles
with scissors. Flip over, and on a
protected surface apply liquid glue to the back of the first paper
rectangle. Carefully apply to the
outside front cover of your journal, layer with waxed paper and press down to
adhere. Gently lift up waxed paper and
discard. Press down in additional areas
needed with fingers. Repeat with outside
back cover of journal. Let glue dry.

Once dry, trim any excess paper from
edges of journal covers with scissors.

Overlap the spine of the front and back
journal covers and attach with xtreme adhesive.
Make sure to line up the top and bottom sets of holes on the spine.

Thread the elastic through the holes in
the spine creating four long loops.
Secure both ends of the elastic with knots.

Measure and cut 48 sheets of grid paper
8 ½” wide by 8” tall. Make four groups
of 12 sheets, then fold each group in half to create four signatures 4 ¼” wide
by 8” tall.

Insert each signature through each
elastic loop to create the inside pages of your journal.

Tie assorted ribbons to the elastic
along the outside spine of the journal.
Embellish the front cover with self-adhesive pearls.

I hope that you will use my Flowering HeARTfelt Journal as a jumping off point to showcase your creativity using Eileen Hull Dies from Sizzix.
Thanks for stopping by!
Creatively, Beth